
How Entrepreneurs can Increase Productivity with Modern Production System

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality,” said Warren Bennis, an American scholar, organizational consultant and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies.

For a small or a new business, the most important thing for them is their employees who work hard to provide great success to the company. Making small changes in your office can help you to improve work productivity at the workplace. Reza Satchu is the Co-Chairmen at NEXT Canada founded in 2010 is one of the leading examples of a perfect mentor who provides education, mentorship, and start-up funding to the most promising entrepreneurs. Reza Satchu is also a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School where he teaches Launching Technology Ventures and The Entrepreneurial Manager.

Here is How Entrepreneurs can Increase Productivity with Modern Production System:

Be Efficient:

Well, the first thing will be to understand how your business works and what are things you want to change in your business. The best way is to make a short-term and long-term list of tasks that your business required for better growth.

Also, encourage your staff members to create their daily timetable so that they can easily understand the task that they want to do to achieve the common goal.


The best way to make your work task finish in a faster and efficient way is to delegate the work. There will be no person in the world who will not be happy if they get better work responsibility. Well, as a leader if you got some important work but you need to finish it on given time then just distribute some of that work responsibility to your employees. This will make your employees feel values and satisfied in their organization and they will work hard to achieve a similar goal.

Reduce Distractions:

Well, it is true that social media is a huge productivity killer, but banning the usage of cell-phone in the workplace is not the right way to deal with such problems. Instead of that, you can encourage your employees to stay focused so that they can provide effective work at the workplace.

Request your employees to turn off their phones and you can offer them small breaks in which they can on their phone and check out what’s going on outside.

Have the Right Tools and Equipment:

If you want your employees to provide faster and effective work at the workplace, the first thing you should do is to provide them with the right tools and types of equipment so that they can work much faster.

Provide them with high-quality equipment and the latest software which can create a massive difference in the workforce and also it will provide a positive impact on your company’s growth.

Improve workplace conditions:

Well, if you manage to provide an air conditioner in your office that will automatically convert your hectic and tensed workplace environment into a healthy environment. If your employees feel comfortable at their workplace then they will work hard and effectively to provide better growth to your company. If the environment of the office is too hot or too cold, then it will distract your employee’s productivity.

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