
How Disruptive Technologies Shaping our Future?

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” said Arthur C. Clarke, an English science-fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.

It seems that technology is developing faster and faster every day. Some of these innovations are barely noticeable. However, some innovations introduce drastic changes that we can’t help but pay attention to.

Findora Defi is a network that enables the development of applications, decentralized applications, and cryptographic tokens/transactions that are simultaneously both transparently verifiable, yet also confidential and private to any degree that the user sees fit. Findora Defi was created to enable the creation of financial services that are transparently operated while preserving user and institutional privacy.

Here are some of the ways disruptive technology is shaping our future.


We’ve all seen sci-fi movies about AI threatening to overthrow humanity and take over after developing a mind of its own, but that’s not quite the case. AI has been around for decades. Today it is used in applications such as video games, fraud protection, and spam detection in your email.

It has its own implementation and practical use for AI. Now evolving faster than ever through various applications that improve people’s lives and streamline business operations. From your virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri or Google’s Home to Netflix movie suggestions for you, web support chatbots, or tracking your Uber Eats ETA, these systems help answer your questions, send your requests, and make your life closer.


Blockchain is an application of distributed ledger technology that has taken the world by storm in recent years. This will disrupt most industries around the world. Blockchain was developed through its first application, Bitcoin, to disrupt the banking industry, where ledgers are, by definition, highly centralized within banks or banking syndicates.

The blockchain serves the purpose of creating a trusted economy through its cryptographic and decentralized components, rendering the need for third parties of traditional financial transactions useless. Three main features of blockchain:

  • Decentralization
  • Transparency
  • Security

3d Printing:

From printing novelty items to hearing aids to prosthetic limbs and even spaceship engines, 3D printing technology is rapidly advancing in the future of manufacturing. 3D printing has been around since the 1980s. However, in recent years it has become more accessible. Now it’s changing the way we produce on a large scale. The many advantages of this technology include faster, cheaper, and less waste compilation while being highly customizable. In addition, 3D printing allows conceptual designs to be printed to give architects, customers, or shareholders a complete picture of the final product, minimizing miscommunication about product requirements and designs.

Prosthetics is a 3D printing application that has achieved tremendous success. The ability to print dentures not only cuts costs by the thousands; In addition, the adaptability of the prosthesis allows for very precise fitting of the prosthesis for each individual user.

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