
The Concept of Retention in the Judi Slot

There are those who say that the money won in the game is for gambling. But if you’re one of those people, then never say you play to win something once in a while, because if you always bet all the money, you win on slots, its certain that you’ll lose it all even if you win the biggest judi slot online in the world. It’s just a matter of time, believe us.

Your Option to Spend Your Time

This does not mean, either, that if you sit in front of your computer willing to spend up to an hour in a slot session, and in one of the first spins, you double your bankroll, you have to rush out. No need to go that far either. But, probably, the ideal would be to find a middle ground, meaning to be able to preserve at least a part of your prizes when they are significant.

Believe me, there’s nothing more frustrating than winning a big prize in slot online terpercaya at the start of a session and ending up leaving it all there. Of course, it’s always difficult to get out when you’re winning, as you’ll always be in doubt about how much you could win even more or not. The truth is, whenever you play an EV (Negative Expected Value) game, it’s always a good idea to leave when you’re winning something.

In this sense, it establishes a strategy of ‘retention’ of premiums in slot online terbaik. If you were planning to gamble a certain amount of money in a session and you get a big prize in it, you don’t have to play it all or extend your session just because you have more money available to wager. 

That is why:

  • Keep the time limit you set for the session.
  • Set a premium threshold at which you will ‘retain’ at least 50% of the premium.
  • Increase your premium retention rate the higher the premium is.
  • For example, if you win a prize equal to your starting bankroll, you retain 50%, if you win a prize twice your bankroll, you retain 75%.
  • It sets thresholds for small prizes accumulated during the session. To retain part of the prizes, you don’t need a big prize to come out. You can keep a part of the small prizes that you accumulate.

By the way, the best way to do this retention is to immediately withdraw the money you want to save from the situs judi slot. If the slot does not allow you to withdraw only a portion, then withdraw all of the money and re-enter only the portion you would have available to play after applying your own retention fee.

In this way, even if you end up spending all the money you initially planned to spend in your session, you guarantee that you keep some in your ‘pocket’ to strengthen your game bank or, who knows, to pick up and use wherever you want.

Thumbs up

Unless you’re the luckiest guy in the world (you aren’t.), the overwhelming majority of your online slots sessions will end up in ‘red.’ In other words, most of the time, you will end up losing money and there is no going back. But sometimes, you’ll also win considerable prizes if you know how to manage your bankroll and your gaming sessions. So enjoy them well.


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