
How Can I Whiten My Teeth in the Most Secure Manner?

Coffee, tea, cigarettes, and other habits can all contribute to tooth discoloration and sensitivity as we age. But that is no excuse to settle for a lifetime of dull teeth. Whitening your teeth is a standard procedure done by a cosmetic dentist in Dedham, MA since it improves the appearance of your smile. However, knowing the many teeth whitening methods available can help you select the most secure for your requirements. 

Essentials for risk-free teeth bleaching:

  • Pick a gel in the neutral pH range (pH 7–8), which is neither acidic nor basic.
  • Select a gel with a high percentage of water: Tooth sensitivity and demineralization are increased by the desiccation caused by several whitening gels.
  • Until you are 18 or older, the pulp chambers are less vulnerable to harm from whitening because they are fully developed. Is it possible to whiten their teeth in time for prom? The primary ingredient in these whitening strips is not hydrogen peroxide, so they will not “bleach” the teeth but will eliminate stains. And your children will be eternally grateful to you when they are adults, and their teeth are not sensitive to hot and cold.

Substitute custom tray strips. 

This gel should be avoided at all costs around the gums. Carbamide peroxide, the main component, is an oxidant that can cause damage to the gums. It is not a good idea to use whitening strips because the gel can not be targeted to only the teeth and not the gums and other oral tissues.

Do not attempt any fixes on your own.

Despite the prevalence of do-it-yourself recommendations on the web (including baking soda, strawberries, and lemon juice), you should never use these remedies. Not only do they not compare effectiveness to commercially available alternatives, but they can also erode tooth enamel, leaving you with sensitive teeth. If you want the best results without endangering your oral health, it is best to stick with tried-and-true methods of teeth whitening.

Is it safe to get your teeth whitened by a professional?

In-office tooth bleaching often involves carbamide peroxide at a 35% concentration. This is advised to be put away for a rainy day, or in your case, a week before your wedding. Also, this is only for adults over 18 due to the issues already covered.

Is it safe to use blue light teeth whitening kits at home?

These are generally fraudulent. Some people have even gone to court over these products because of their ineffectiveness. In this analysis, the researchers found that the illumination effect was “not statistically significant.” There is no need to worry about the safety of teeth-whitening kits that use blue light. Blue light whitening products are ineffective and a waste of money, but at least they will not hurt your teeth.

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